Nursing Home Neglect

Nursing Home Neglect Attorney

With an aging population, most people have a loved one or knows someone who is using the services of a long-term care facility.  Thousands of Florida and Georgia residents are currently in the care of a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), Assisted Living Facility (ALF), and Memory Care Facilities (MCF).  When you admit a loved one to a nursing home, you expect the facility and staff will provide a high standard of care.  Unfortunately, there are times when this expectation is not met and nursing home residents become victims of nursing home negligence leading to needless suffering and sometimes even death. When you suspect that a loved one is not being treated with the dignity they deserve, contact the nursing home neglect attorney that will represent you in a nursing home claim.

Nursing Home Neglect Attorneys - Call the Nursing Home Experts - Fonvielle Lewis Messer McConnaughhay!

Fonvielle Lewis Messer & McConnaughhay, has the experience, knowledge, and expertise to represent you in a nursing home claim.

Understanding Nursing Home Negligence

Nursing home negligence is when a facility or its staff fails to provide the appropriate standard of care to its residents, leading to physical harm or suffering.  Negligence differs from abuse in that it typically stems from carelessness or lack of proper action, rather than a deliberate intent to cause harm.

Types of Negligence you might see in a Nursing Home


Medical Negligence – this type of negligence can take a lot of forms, from the incorrect administration to the failure to provide necessary treatment in a timely manner.  Dietary restrictions and requirements due to an existing medical condition, failure to meet their requirements can lead to severe health complications.


Neglectful Care – occurs when a facility fails to meet a resident’s basic personal needs, including eating, bathing, and personal hygiene.  These types of neglect can lead to serious health issues like bedsores, malnutrition and dehydration.


Negligent Hiring and Supervision – this type of negligence happens when a nursing home hires staff without the proper vetting or screening.  This could result in a nursing home staff with improper qualifications and training leading to inadequate care for residents.  In addition, a lack of sufficient staffing can also lead to neglect or abusive behavior goes unchecked or addressed.

Common warning signs of Neglect or Abuse

Physical Signs

    • Unexplained Injuries or Illness:  If your loved one has frequent bruises, cuts, abrasions, or other injuries without a valid reason, it may be the result of neglect.  Similarly, reoccurring illnesses may indicate conditions of substandard care at the nursing home.

    • Malnutrition and Dehydration: Signs of rapid or unusual weight loss, hair loss, dry skin and frequent fatigue may signal a facility that is not providing proper nutritional care.
    • Personal Hygiene:  Infrequent bathing, smelly body odor, unclean or washed clothes, and unbrushed hair or teeth can be another sign of nursing home neglect.

Emotional Signs

    • Mood changes: Abrupt changes in your loved one’s behavor or mood, such as increased irritability, or withdrawing from social activities can be a sign of negligence.

    • Fear or Depression: If your loved one shows signs of fear of staff members, or falls into a state of depression, it could indicate an issue with the standard of care by the nursing home.

Other Signs

    • Dirty community spaces and unclean living spaces can point to inadequate cleaning and unsanitary facility conditions.

    • Slippery floors, broken furniture, or poor lighting can be signs of negligence.

    • Lack of supervision – allowing residents to wander away from the facility unattended.

What to Do if you suspect Nursing Home Negligence

Speak with your loved one

Talk to your loved one about your concerns.  They might be able to provide you with insight and additional information as to what is happening.

Document your observations

Record any sign of negligence, including photos of physical injuries or poor living conditions.

Report your concern

Notify the Nursing home management about your concerns.  If you don’t see adequate changes or improvements soon, you can file a complaint with the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration

Call Fonvielle Lewis Messer & McConnaughhay

Our elderly is our greatest generation. They deserve care and dignity, not abuse and neglect. When you suspect that a loved one is not being treated with the dignity they deserve, contact the nursing home experts that will represent you in a nursing home claim. We will advocate for the rights of your loved ones, holding the responsible parties accountable, and ensuring our clients get the compensation they deservce.  Without a nursing home neglect lawyer on your side, you are at a BIG disadvantage. Don’t delay. Hire the nursing home experts. When it comes to nursing home negligence in Florida or Georgia, nobody will fight harder for you than Fonvielle Lewis Messer & McConnaughhay…Personal Injury Law is ALL WE DO!

Personal Injury's ALL WE DO!

When it comes to nursing home neglect, Fonvielle Lewis Messer & McConnaughhay, has the experience, knowledge, and expertise to represent you in a nursing home claim. We have represented thousands of victims in Florida and Georgia and are dedicated to helping nursing home victims get the compensation they deserve.

Call us today for a FREE CONSULTATION!

Nursing Home Neglect


(800) 876-7773

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